Honors & Celebrations

It's an honor to represent New York agriculture on a variety of platforms throughout the country. 

Young Farmers & Ranchers, Excellence in Agriculture Award, National Top 10 

January 2020

As a young farmer in agriculture, I was selected as a Top 10 competitor in the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Excellence in Ag award. This award area is for young farmers who earn the majority of their income off the farm. I was judged on my knowledge and understanding of agricultural issues, leadership & community involvement, and my own ability to tell the agriculture story. 

New York State Farm Bureau Excellence in Agriculture Award, State Winner

December 2019

As the state winner in the Young Farmers & Ranchers Excellence in Agriculture Award, I was selected to compete against more than 35 other young farmers across the country at the AFBF Conference in Texas. 

Yates County Farm Bureau member wins award 

Women's Communication Bootcamp

October 2019

Joining a dozen other women from across the country who are passionate about advocating for agriculture was the foundation for a successful Women's Communication Bootcamp. As a graduate of this program, sponsored by American Farm Bureau Federation, I learned about the following:



This two-year program focuses on developing today's leaders to make a more impactful future within the food & agriculture industry. The first year focused on self-awareness and skill-building, while working together as a team through challenges, obstacles, and a personal journey of critical thinking. The second year provided a more global perspective on agriculture including an international study trip. This program includes collaboration among classmates and provides opportunities for learning and sharing about agriculture throughout all corners of New York State.